Saturday, May 26, 2012

Shame on the COWARD ME!

There was once my colleague told me that she without hesitating asked a young lady who was sitting happily on a train playing games on her smartphone, to give her seat to a pregnant lady who was standing in front of her.

When she told me that, I was so proud of her to have such a gut!
And told myself that I would be brave like her too if that kind of situation could ever happen to me..

But guess what.
No, I was not that daring!
It happened yesterday when I was on a train on my way to work.
It was normal to have the train full with passengers during peak hours in the morning.
And there I was, standing obliviously (hello, it's early in the morning) still thinking of my cosy bed.
In front of me, sit a young guy, looking smart & handsome, focusing on his smartphone.
And when I turned to my right, there she was, with her ballooning belly, standing right next to that young guy.
Only then I realized,"eh this lady is pregnant!"
And no one had offered her a seat!

I was frustrated when I saw that. But what frustrates me more is that I don't have a courage to get someone to give his/her seat to that pregnant lady.
I wanted to, but I couldn't even utter a word!

I hate myself for not doing what I was supposed to do!
I hate myself for being COWARD!
And just so you know, it made me feel millionth times embarrassed!

I should have told that guy to give his seat to that pregnant lady.
I should have!
But I was just so scared to do so!


<tutup muka>

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